
Valle Sacrado


Front Porch Society said...

What a beautiful place!! :) How I would LOVE to visit here someday! :)

lyliane six said...

C'est pourquoi ces espaliers, pas pour la culture? Quel est le nom de ce fleuve? j'ai reconnu pas mal de légumes mais pas ces choses jaunes etc....et sur toutes tes photos j'ai une question à te poser, il faut que je vienne les voir avoir toi à mes côtés pour les commenter.Bonne idée de Graziella la soirée Pérou en Normandie, tu auras du travail pour satisfaire ma curiosité (ah! voilà un de mes défauts.Tu avais bien assorti ta chemise à la couleur de tes yeux et du ciel.

TO BECOME said...

With photos like these you don't need words. Beautiful land, people, colors it is all very good. connie from Texas

Keshi said...

very colorful pics! And yeyyyyyyyyyy I spotted the very handsome Peter too!


Cuckoo said...

Very much like India. :-) Warm, colourful and crowded...

And I saw a dashing, handsome gentleman called Peter as well. ;)

Ash said...

Yes, it looks a lot like a typical Indian market...

Peter said...

Thanks for your visit, again!

Il faut lire le texte sur mon autre blog et tu trouveras quelques réponses! Oui, une soirée Pérou avec Graziella...; ça devrait être sympa! Comme ça, on te donnera d'autres réponses et ensuite tu iras sans doute sur place pour trouver les autres réponses!

Thanks for this visit from Texas!

Peter said...

Thanks for being such a regular visitor!

Yes, there are clear similitudes between Asia and South America!

Same comments as for cuckoo (although I don't know India otherwise than from books, films, blogs...)

hpy said...

Am I late again?

Nathalie H.D. said...

I have travelled to central America (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama) and Colombia, and I love finding here a lot of the same atmosphere. Beautiful photos, Peter!

Nathalie H.D. said...

Et je vois que Lyliane est sensible à la couleur de tes yeux assortie à ta chemise, et veut voir tes photos de plus près... à mon avis tu as une touche !

Anonymous said...

I think to truly appreciate what you have you have to look here at these photos. I was not able to get all of them to open but those that did open are very nice. I liked your photo too. Nice.

Abraham Lincoln

Peter said...


Merci pour ta visite ici, ma chère globe-trotteuse! J'ai mis ma photo pour prouver que j'ai réussi à grimper et que j'étais bein là. Si je peux avoir quelques "touches" aussi, pourquoi pas?

I hope it's not a general problem to open my photos. Thanks anyhow for having tried!

forthmedia said...

I'm posting the comment here, because I think you really need to see the photos, although the commentary on your other blog is equally interesting. The locals certainly look the part and it's obviously a different world. I wonder how you feel as a tourist - maybe almost like a martian.
NB you remind me of another famous Swede - the apparently uncharismatic but reportedly amazing S-G Eriksson

NBB I can't post here using my own blog credentials so I've had to use a blogger synonym

Peter said...


I guess you are the only commentator, so far, from Afghanistan!
Yes, as a tourist, there are moments when you feel embarassed, especially when travelling in a luxury train and waving to the people around the track... but they are all so smiling and willing to wave!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Just stunning photos, Peter! I am completely enchanted with the diversity of color all around! Sounds you had a GREAT trip, indeed!